Sunday, February 14, 2010

Yozone Frozen Yogurt

It seems that there are more ice cream and frozen yogurt shops in Provo than in the entire state of Utah combined! So how do each of these shops stay successful and set themselves apart from all the others? My goal this week was to find a frozen yogurt shop that I thought was different from the others. So I went to YoZone, located at 1286 N Freedom Blvd. at the Alpine Village Apartments in Provo. YoZone is a self-serve yogurt shop- you get to choose how many flavors of yogurt you want how many toppings you want, how much you want, and you get to prepare it yourself!
YoZone offers many appetizing flavors of frozen yogurt including, New York Cheesecake, Raspberry, Mango, Cookies and Cream, and others. After you have chosen your flavor (or flavors) of yogurt, you get to add as many toppings as you want. The toppings available range from chocolate chips and candy bars, to Captain Crunch Cereal, to fresh fruit and nuts.
When you are done creating your treat, each serving is weighed, and you only pay .36 cents and ounce! YoZone has a bright and fun atmosphere. One of my favorite parts of the shop was that they have a T.V. hanging on the wall that displays pictures of happy customers to YoZone, and occasionally someone you know pops up on the screen! YoZone is a great place to go for an inexpensive, fun, and quick treat!
For more details on YoZone, you can check out their website at:


  1. I love yozone! especially with the chessecakes bites :)

  2. I love yozone! A new shop called Farr's was just opened and it's almost exactly like Yozone. I was wondering how they compared price wise.

  3. i miss frozen yogurt... it doesn't taste the same when i put my yoplait in the freezer.

  4. You brought back so many memories of all the frozen yogurt shops I used to visit in San Diego. Those were the best times and I am so happy to know there is a shop where you build your own yogurt here in provo. I can't wait to go check it out!!!

  5. this one of the only yogurt places I haven't tried yet, but I definitely want to now!

  6. yozone is the best ever!!! because you can get as much as you want to pay for! my favorite is a mango, granola, white chocolate chip mix, with real fruit. SOOO good and if you do it right it can only cost like 2 bucks!!
